Challenges of Preventive Intellectual Awareness in the Context of Evolving Terrorist Ideologies: A Forward-Looking Perspective – AJHSSR

Challenges of Preventive Intellectual Awareness in the Context of Evolving Terrorist Ideologies: A Forward-Looking Perspective

Challenges of Preventive Intellectual Awareness in the Context of Evolving Terrorist Ideologies: A Forward-Looking Perspective

ABSTRACT: This article addresses the intellectual awareness methods used to combat extremist terrorist ideology in Islamic societies from its emergence during the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphate to the present day. It also examines the evolution of religious terrorist ideology across different historical periods, highlighting the reasons and factors that contributed to its spread in each era. The article discusses the awareness and counterterrorism strategies employed and evaluates their effectiveness in combating extremist thought. Additionally, it explores the religious, doctrinal, Cultural. social, economic, political, media, and technological challenges that may hinder the effectiveness of preventive awareness programs in contemporary Islamic societies.