Challenges of the Democracy of the Future, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice) – AJHSSR

Challenges of the Democracy of the Future, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

Challenges of the Democracy of the Future, in the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT: This article addresses the challenges facing humanity in the Democracy of the Future, in the context of changing the reality of the lives of people and organizations (public and private), in the Digital Society. Democracy is a political regime in which all citizens, in the enjoyment of their human, social, economic and political rights, actively participate in the choice of the governance model for the country and/or region, in its development and in the creation of rules and norms (laws), through universal suffrage. The challenges contemplate the human, social, economic, political and cultural conditions that allow the exercise of power, free, participatory, responsible and equal for all citizens.The Democracy of the Future poses new challenges to the powers (political, economic, financial, cultural), through a new systematic approach in the search for a holistic vision for the constant improvement, of the satisfaction of the social and economic needs of the populations. This study aims to alert governments and citizens to create the necessary instruments to respond to the challenges of the digital society, namely social, economic and financial equality, working conditions and protection of Human Rights.

KEYWORDS:Democracy of the Future, Digital Society, Freedom, Social and Human Responsibility, Social and Economic Justice, Human Equality