ABSTRACT: Mountains play a crucial role in the life cycle. They are also characterized by extreme vulnerabilitydue to the sensitivity of biodiversity elements, environment, and natural resources. Sustainability is a componentthat affects these sensitive areas. Mountain regions often find themselves less extroverted, and as they lackdevelopmental options, face the danger of desolation. Effective developmental programs and projects connected tovarious possible directions referring to sustainable agriculture, alternative resources schemes, and tourismactivities, in particular, will be agents of revitalization policies towards a growth trajectory through manyinteresting choices according to each region unique characteristic.In this article, we intend to approach the concept of mountain areas and mountain tourism in combination withthe content of a development model for degraded mountain areas in Greece. We conclude that local authoritiesshould promote development projects in these areas following the principle of sustainability acting in asystematic and planned way, through cooperation, social acceptance, and consensus.
Keywords Mountain areas, mountain tourism, tourism, sustainability, community-based development, Greece