Challenges Threatening Man in the Modern World: A Definition of the Human Person from Thomistic Philosophical Reflection – AJHSSR

Challenges Threatening Man in the Modern World: A Definition of the Human Person from Thomistic Philosophical Reflection

Challenges Threatening Man in the Modern World: A Definition of the Human Person from Thomistic Philosophical Reflection

ABSTRACT: In the contemporary world, the human person faces challenges that threaten him/her. We live in a society that is plainly termed as “Man eats Man Society.” Simply, man is both the perpetrator and culprit of these problematic situations. Why does man perpetuate such kind of iniquities against fellow men? This may possibly be that the very concept of the human person is misconstrued. This article critically and rationally examines the ontological foundation of the human person and gives an elaborate definition of the same from Thomistic philosophical perspective. It traces the foundations of the human person and acknowledges that the human person is an object of study of social relationships and anthropologists. It pre-supposes that there is need to re-address the crisis in relation to the contemporary conceptions of the human person. It also explains the issues and challenges that have emerged as a result of inadequacy of definition. This article therefore argues for a metaphysical and philosophical understanding towards a “re-conception” of the human person in
the 21st century.
KEYWORDS: Body, Dignity, Human, Person, Soul,