Coffee Table Book Design with Community Participation – AJHSSR

Coffee Table Book Design with Community Participation

Coffee Table Book Design with Community Participation

ABSTRACT: This community service is driven by the problem of limited information facilities whichare still an obstacle in tourist destinations in the Kemuning area, Ngargoyoso District, KaranganyarRegency, Indonesia.Tourism promotion is considered still lacking and cannot develop properly so thatthe need for tourist information facilities is quite urgent. This assistance is carried out with aparticipatory art creation approach. The mentoring stage begins by applying a participatory artcreation model, prioritizing a forum for dialogue and participation of all parties involved in activities.The starting point of participation is to decide, act, then they reflect on those actions as conscioussubjects. Design assistance is carried out through orientation, exploration, and experimentation oftourism potential design objects in partner areas. The stages of mentoring can be described as anactivity plan. The output of the community service program included tourism coffee table book formedia promotion.

Keywords: Assistance in design, tourism, tourism villages, promotion.