Community-Based Marine Tourism Management : Patterns Of Industry And Stakeholder Relationships In The Tourism Village Of JEROWARU Sub-District – AJHSSR

Community-Based Marine Tourism Management : Patterns Of Industry And Stakeholder Relationships In The Tourism Village Of JEROWARU Sub-District

Community-Based Marine Tourism Management : Patterns Of Industry And Stakeholder Relationships In The Tourism Village Of JEROWARU Sub-District

ABSTRACTS: This study aims to determine the pattern of industrial relations and tourism stakeholders in themanagement of community-based marine tourism in the tourist villages of Jerowaru sub-district . Data werecollected through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study, namely in thecontext of marine tourism management in Jerowaru sub-district, can be mapped a number of main stakeholders,namely the government, especially the local government, the private sector, local communities or localcommunities such as Pokdarwis, and NGOs / NGOs. Looking at the outline of CBT implementation byexamining the relationship pattern of the marine tourism industry, it can be seen that there has beencollaboration between the main stakeholders of the marine tourism industry in Jerowaru sub-district. Even so, ifexamined in detail, there is an inequality of roles and positions between stakeholders.

KEY WORDS: Patterns, Community-Based Tourism, Roles and Stakeholders