ABSTRACT: This study wasaimed to find out the differences in attitudes and behaviour about the environmentbetween chemistry education students with non-chemistry at the Syiah Kuala University Teacher Training andEducation Faculty (FKIP). The type of research used was descriptive quantitative with analytical surveymethod. The research respondents were fourth semester students of chemistry, physics, and geography andhistory education study programs. The selection of the sample was used nonprobability sampling technique withthe type of purposive sampling. The number of samples was 100 people. Data was collected using aquestionnaire. The results showed that the attitudes and behaviour of the chemistry education studentenvironment were lower than non-chemistry education students. This can be caused by a lack of implementationof environmental education in chemical learning materials. The chemistry education tends to strengthen thecognitive domain compared to affective (attitude) and psychomotor (behaviour).
Keywords: environmental education, chemistry students, surveys, environmental attitudes and behaviour