Competitive Edge of the School Heads in Bulusan District – AJHSSR

Competitive Edge of the School Heads in Bulusan District

Competitive Edge of the School Heads in Bulusan District

ABSTRACT:The study determined the competitive edge of the school heads in the Bulusan District relating to their accomplishments, psychosocial attributes and personality, ICT skills, and research and innovation, their competitive edge when grouped according to their profile, and identify the challenges encountered in performing their duties and responsibilities. The researcher applied the quantitative method in this study. The 21 school heads in Bulusan District were selected using purposive sampling. The researcher used a questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data and unstructured interviews for the challenges met. Frequency count, weighted mean, general weighted mean, and rank is used as a statistical tool to analyze the data. When the competitive edge is grouped according to the profile, the psychosocial attributes and personality, and ICT skills of school heads are highly competent based on age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, and length of service. While in terms of accomplishment, it was observed that along the profiles, school heads are moderately competent and in terms of research and innovation, school heads are less competent. In terms of training, it is reflected that training attended by school heads was not related to achieving a competitive edge of the school heads. The primary problems of the school heads are the problem in identifying one’s competence, unequal access to training, lack of community support, funding issues, lack of confidence of school heads, and difficulty in managing and facilitating teachers as beginner school heads. An action plan is proposed to address the challenges met by school heads.

KEYWORDS :competitive edge, school heads, profile, challenges