ABSTRACT: Leadership, which is a widely researched topic and plays an important role in differentdisciplines, is discussed in a broad scope ranging from social organizations, education, politics, to philosophy.Technological, cultural and socio-economic developments have transformed the leadership paradigm and theexpectations of the followers. To adapt to these transformations and achieve positive outcomes in organizations,a new perspective such as authentic leadership is needed. Authentic leadership means that the leader acts inharmony with himself and others, stays loyal to his values and builds trust with his followers. Authenticleadership also emphasizes that the leader needs to constantly improve himself, be original and creative, sharehis vision and adhere to ethical values. In this study, many academic studies were examined in order tocomprehensively evaluate the impact of women managers on the followers under the authentic leadershipparadigm. Based on the post-modern leadership theory, it is aimed to comprehensively evaluate the fourdimensions of authentic leadership basic components of women managers, which are self-awareness, balancedand unbiased processing of information, internalized moral perspective and relational transparency, and theirimpact on the followers. Considering the relationship between women managers and their relationalauthenticity, gender, psychological capital and approaches, it is possible to reach many conceptual outcomessuch as support, freedom and respect that the leader provides to his followers by expressing himself realisticallyand establishing a sincere bond with his followers. Women managers can increase their own and theirorganizations performance by doing authentic leadership, as well as contribute to gender equality. As a result, itwas determined that women authentic leaders had a positive impact on the business and the followers in termsof authentic leadership dimensions. This study is seen as an important step to reveal the authentic leadershippractices and experiences of women managers, to contribute to the authentic leadership theory and to betterunderstand authentic leadership and women leadership in educational management.
Key Words:Leadership, Female Managers, Authentic Leadership