ABSTRACT : BaliIsland is one of the most famous tourism destinationin Indonesia and known as the lastparadise in the world. The beautiful natural scenery and strong culture in Bali are the mainattraction of thisisland. But on the other hand, tourist visits has a bad impact on the surrounding environment, like increasedpollution, reduced green land, and also endemic animal endangered. Bali starlings as the endemic animal of thisisland,has gotten “Critically Endangered” status and included in the Appendix I Convention on InternationalTrade in Endangered Species (CITES). This Paper’s focus is on the implementation of PT Pertamina (Persero)DPPU Ngurah Rai’s CSR Program, it is“eco-edu tourism uma palak lestari”.As an effort to overcome thereduction of green land and animal endangered in Bali, eco-edu tourism uma palak lestari program isheld in thenarrowing rice fields in Denpasar City, Bali. There are 3 sub-programs being implemented based on the mainproblems, they are agricultural edu tourism, Bali starling conservation, and the application of an integratedfarming system.Agricultural edu tourism is designed to solve the narrowing green fields in Denpasar. Balistarling conservation is designed to increase the population of endangered bali starlings. And the Integratedfarming system is a sub program aimed at developing the potential of the target group of community who arefarmers in order to maximize land use.The 3 sub programs are sinergized each other to gain optimum result forsustainable social and economic impact in society. Beside of the sinergized sub program, the program’ssuccessful key is a sinergized stakeholders. Program implementation is done not only by sinergizing withgovernment but also community and some non government organization (NGO) named Yayasan Bali Kasih andDompet Social Madani.
KEYWORDS: Natural, Endangered, Community, Development, Sustainability, Starling, Conservation