Courage, Determination and Perseverance: A Psychological Approach of Amos Tutuola’s the Witch Herbalist of the Remote Town – AJHSSR

Courage, Determination and Perseverance: A Psychological Approach of Amos Tutuola’s the Witch Herbalist of the Remote Town

Courage, Determination and Perseverance: A Psychological Approach of Amos Tutuola’s the Witch Herbalist of the Remote Town

ABSTRACT: This study is an attempt to bring us toward an understanding of courage, its nature, and its use in Amos Tutuola‟s novel. Courage is perceived as a stable characteristic of human beings. The presence of physical courage is linked to increased resilience, and greater feelings of personal competence. It is identified as a factor of strength in his positive psychology model. The individual who performed acts of heroism and bravery is more likely to be self-confident, has a tendency to take risk, and attribute their success on modeling of thers. Courage has helped win over all forces against except hunger.
KEY WORDS: Courage, nature use, physical, positive psychology, personality, characteristic.