ABSTRACT : The creation of the Muda-mudi Si Mejingkat dance is taken from the standard movements of thetraditional Karo ethnic dance. In its creation, optimal creativity is required from the choreographer. The abilityto interpret the meaning of movement and then process it into a new movement, and realize it into a new form ofcreative dance based on tradition, is absolutely possessed by the choreographer. The title of the Muda-mudi SiMejingkat dance that was chosen, which means creative/dynamic young people, adds inspiration to thechoreographer in processing and developing the movement. The theory according to Sal Murgiyanto (1986)related to composing and arranging dance, is used in this study. This dance is a group dance, so its compositionapplies group choreography elements such as unison, alternate, canon, broken, and balance to ensure that thequality of this dance is good and of high quality. The qualitative descriptive research method according toMoleong (2019) is the method applied in conducting the research. The results of the study show that the newdance work “Muda-mudi Si Mejingkat” has been successfully composed and has been applied at the Indofestevent at Medan Independent School in October 2023 and uploaded to the “Rumah Tari” podcast page with thelink https://youtube.com/@podcastrumahtari5066?si=3A6hVGGKf_PZFgXy
Keywords –Dance Creation, Muda-Mudi Si Mejingkat, Time, Group Coreography Elements