Crisis Management Strategies in Corporate Communication Studies – AJHSSR

Crisis Management Strategies in Corporate Communication Studies

Crisis Management Strategies in Corporate Communication Studies

ABSTRACT:Communication is an activitythatcannotbeseparatedfromhuman life. However, in the process, there are opportunities for in-appropriate communication, which can lead to conflict or alsoknown as a communication crisis. Communication strategyis a communication effort made to convey messages appropriately to communication targetswith the aimthat the perceptions betweencommunicators and communicants can bebuilt in harmony. With the sameunderstanding and perception, an organization can achieveits goals smoothly. However, if in the process a conflictoccurs, causing a communication crisisbetween the two parties, a crisis management strategy or crisis management isneeded. To makethese efforts, the role of corporate communication isneeded as the right strategy in dealingwithconflictsthatoccur.

Keywords -Crisis Management Strategy, Crisis Management, Corporate Communication