Abstract: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is an usual impact in DM patients in which early detection is veryimportant. A risk assessment tool for DFU has previously been developed by researchers. This study aimed 1)translate and did cultural appropriateness ; 2) To test some psychometric properties: face validity, intra-rater,inter-rater, and test-retest reliability. The results showed that 1) The expert translator has not have differentdefinition; 2) face validity was acceptable, mostly the nurses agreed with the assessment tool and they said thateasy to specialist nurses use the assessment tool, but the general nurses will not understand use the tool; 3) Intrarater reliability using Intra-class Coefficient Correlation (ICC) for total score was 0.996 with Kappa 1.00 forduration of DM, history of ulceration, history of claudication, neuropathy sensory, abnormal skin, foot care,Kappa 0.93 for foot deformities, Kappa 0.92 for history of amputation, and Kappa 0.89 for peripheral vasculardisease; 4) inter-rater reliability using the ICC and alpha cronbach’s was 1.00 for the researcher and nurse 1.The researcher and nurse 2, 3 was 0.96 for alpha and ICC. The result of ICC of patient 1 was 0.93 and thepatient 2 was 0.3. Patient 1 showed that the ICC was significance but patient 2 showed that the tool was notreliable and 5) test-retest using the alpha cronbach’s is 0.991 of total score and ICC is 0.991. The conclusion isthe tool of risk assessment tool for DFU was valid and reliable.
Keywords: Psychometric Properties, Cultural Appropriateness, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Assessment, Tool.