“Culture and consumer socialization effects on adolescent’s influence on family purchase decision of mobile phone: A comparison between mother’ and adolescent’ perceptions” – AJHSSR

“Culture and consumer socialization effects on adolescent’s influence on family purchase decision of mobile phone: A comparison between mother’ and adolescent’ perceptions”

“Culture and consumer socialization effects on adolescent’s influence on family purchase decision of mobile phone: A comparison between mother’ and adolescent’ perceptions”

ABSTRACT:Globalization has brought the need for companies to seek to better understand their consumersand, in particular, how they decide to buy. In this context, the family is the most relevant consumer unit formarketing managers. In that context, it is urgent to understand important cultural dimensions, such as thedistance of power and individualism-collectivism that need further investigation in its application to the study ofconsumer behavior. Furthermore, the study of the family merits continued and more in-depth attention, inparticular as regards the participation of its members and the extent of such participation in decisions topurchase products which currently have a high demand, such as mobile phone for his own use.In these, the roleof the adolescent is not properly explained, having often been devalued or relegated. The adolescent tend tohave a higher knowledge than his parents, which can constitute an important resource in his participation inthose purchases, when comparing with their parents. Furthermore, technological products for family use and foradolescents’ use have not yet been adequately researched