Danger of falling “Minaret of Jam” in Ghur Province of Afghanistan and Overview of Jam-Minaret – AJHSSR

Danger of falling “Minaret of Jam” in Ghur Province of Afghanistan and Overview of Jam-Minaret

Danger of falling “Minaret of Jam” in Ghur Province of Afghanistan and Overview of Jam-Minaret

ABSTRACT: Ghur is one of the most important parts of the historically places in Afghanistan, the Minaret ofJam is absolutely increased to the significant and magnificence of this province, the Harirud-River flows fromeast to west, the Jam-River flows from south to north, at the confluence of these Rivers being an incredibleadobe of minaret, its remarkable! How can this minaret stand against to erosion of Rivers and spring floodsaround more than 8th century without any fundamental protection?The main aim of this research paper is focused on “danger of falling Minaret of Jam”, here are many threatsbeing for destroying of Jam-Minaret. antiquities of these historically places trafficked by smugglers, but thesethreats also being against to Jam-Minaret, the Minaret of Jam almost falling by floods in spring of 2019, butfortunately this threat just temporarily resolved by local people. One of the goals of this research topic is to callto government of Afghanistan and organizations of responsible to rescue the minaret of Jam from destruction,therefore if they don’t pay attention, this historical minaret will demolish like other historical heritage inAfghanistan and we will be missing one of the “Seven Wonders of the World”.

Keywords: Ghurids dynasty, Sultan Ghiyth al-Din Muhammad, Jam village, Minaret, Threats of Minaret.