Da’wah Digital Era: The Study of Qs. An-Nahl: 125 in the Millennial Generation Social Media in Medan – AJHSSR

Da’wah Digital Era: The Study of Qs. An-Nahl: 125 in the Millennial Generation Social Media in Medan

Da’wah Digital Era: The Study of Qs. An-Nahl: 125 in the Millennial Generation Social Media in Medan

ABSTRACT: The focus of this research is da’wah in the digital age of Applicative studies Qs. An-Nahl 125 on the millennial generation in the social media in Medan City, considering the city of Medan is one of the number 4 largest city in Indonesia and also the people who Mejemuk, both tribes, Religion and culture. Millennials are vulnerable to things that are negative, therefore Islam as a religion that is a mystery of the Lil Alamin, must take appropriate and quick action to save the young generations of Islam so as not to get lost In the world of cyber life. To get the data needed then this research approach is normative descriptive is being used method of qualitative method through observation techniques, interviews and documentation. From this research it was found that in preaching to millennials in the digital age this was quite an effective method of delivering divine messages to millennials in the city of Medan. Because of some of the research that millennials found to spend more time playing and communicating in social media. Therefore, Da’wah in the digital era really must utilize the media, mainly new media and the Da’i must enter and participate in the development of this technology because the development of communication technologies has changed the way people communicate and Interact. Nowadays, almost every person is especially a millennial using the Internet in sending, searching, and reading information. Hence, the Qur’an Surah An-Nahl: 125 Offering the method of Da’wah in the digital age must be able to attract the sympathetic generation of millennials, the presentation of a representative method of Da’wah, interactive, and innovative through social media is the best way to Save the young generation of Islam in the future