Debate on Future Democracy and Corruption, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice) – AJHSSR

Debate on Future Democracy and Corruption, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice)

Debate on Future Democracy and Corruption, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT: This article is a reflection on the future of humanity, especially for young people. In my opinion, this model of World Society, where inequalities are increasing, where there are men who send other men to war, where men order men to be killed for political differences and or economic interests, where Corruption reigns. We need to change the paradigm. But the change will be long. Democracy is a political regime in which all citizens, in the enjoyment of their Human and Political Rights, participate in the choice of the governance model for the country and/or region, who in their activity create the laws and implement them, exercising the power of governance, through universal suffrage. It encompasses the social, political, economic and cultural conditions that allow the exercise of power, free and equal, in political self-determination. Democracy is both a normative ideal and a set of true world institutions. We have competing ideals of what democracy should be, and there are many institutional forms of democracy around the world. Both as an idea and as an institutional form, democracy has evolved over time, as changing circumstances make it possible to modify and solidify some of the democratic institutions, sometimes for the benefit of democracy and sometimes not. One of the reasons democracy has evolved, as an idea or institutionally, is people’s disappointment with existing democratic institutions.

KEYWORDS: Democracy, Democracy of the Future, Corruption, Bribery, Systemic Corruption, Political Corruption