ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the influence of UTAUT2 with indicators of performanceexpectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, andHabit on Intention to Adopt Financial Technology Peer Peer Lending. This research is associative with aquantitative approach. The sample in this study is 100 SMEs in all sectors. The data collection tool used in thisstudy was a questionnaire. Testing the hypothesis using structural equation model analysis (SEM) Partial LeastSquare Model. The results of this study indicate that the performance expectancy variable harms the Intention toAdopt Fintech peer-to-peer lending. With the presence of fintech peer-to-peer lending, MSME actors cannot feelthe benefits. Then effort expectancy hurts the Intention to Adopt Fintech peer-to-peer lending. With the presenceof fintech peer-to-peer lending, MSME players have not felt the ease of using technology. Then social influencehurts the Intention to Adopt Fintech peer-to-peer lending. With the presence of fintech peer-to-peer lendingorganizational leaders, managers, and co-workers have not been encouraged to adopt fintech peer-to-peerlending. Then facilitating conditions have a positive effect on the Intention to Adopt Fintech peer-to-peerlending. With the presence of fintech peer-to-peer lending, the conditions of supporting facilities, humanresources, and the presence of experts provide impetus to adopt fintech peer-to-peer lending. Then HedonicMotivation hurts the Intention to Adopt Fintech peer-to-peer lending. The presence of fintech peer-to-peerlending has not given the perception of feeling happy, or comfortable when using fintech peer-to-peer lendingservices. The Price Value hurts the Intention to Adopt Fintech peer-to-peer lending. With the presence of fintechpeer-to-peer lending, MSME players consider the costs incurred to be greater than the benefits to be felt. ThenHabit has a positive effect on the Intention to Adoptfintech peer-to-peer lending. With the presence of fintechpeer-to-peer lending, it provides benefits to MSME players because of their habits and strong encouragement toadopt the latest technology systems