Development of Al-QUR’AN Literacy Learning Management For Adults(Study on the Implementation of the Al-Heriyah Method for Uhamka’s Employees) – AJHSSR

Development of Al-QUR’AN Literacy Learning Management For Adults(Study on the Implementation of the Al-Heriyah Method for Uhamka’s Employees)

Development of Al-QUR’AN Literacy Learning Management For Adults(Study on the Implementation of the Al-Heriyah Method for Uhamka’s Employees)

ABSTRACT:This research is research on the development of Al-Qur’an literacy learning management to use in supporting Al-Qur’an learning programs for adults. This research was conducted within the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA (UHAMKA), while the object of research is employees of UHAMKA.Based on the preliminary study, there were still 74 employees or about 47% of the total 158 samples (Beginner category) who had not been able to read or write Al-Qur’an. This is caused by less active participation in Al-Qur’an learning program. Besides that, some employees also found difficult to learn Al-Qur’an, whether they were constrained by time or methods. The purpose of this research is to formulate an effective, easy, and fun learning management model.This research uses the research and development (R&D) method, terms used
byBrog and Gall, comprising seven stages, first, the introduction of hijaiyah letters, second, disconnected punctuation marks, third, double punctuation marks or affixes, fourth, conjunctive punctuation marks, fifth, long punctuation marks, sixth mad rules, and seventh tanwin and sukun rules, waqaf and fawatihusuwaar marks. The learner design development technique uses the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model. Data collection techniques used were interviews, tests, observations, questionnaires (expert validation) which were descriptively analyzed. Data analysis technique used Descriptive Analysis. Data that were obtained from several predetermined data collection techniques and instruments could be grouped into
two, included qualitative data and quantitative data.Results of research on the development of learning management for adults that had been tested in the field were proven effective in improving the literacy skills of Al-Qur’an, namely when it was implemented to 50 UHAMKA employees with the following results: 5 employees (10%) were able to pronounce hijaiyah letters and could pronounce vocabulary, 27 employees (73%) could string vowels on words, long-short rules; nun sukun and tanwin rules, 7 employees (17%) understood the knowledge of Tajweed, eloquent, and fluency, as well as Waqaf and ibtida, and 33 employees (63%) were able to write hijaiyah letters and 17 employees (27%) were able to write vocabulary and dictation.
KEYWORDS:Development, Management, Literacy, Al-Qur‟an, Al-Heriyah