ABSTRACT :This study is entitled Development of Artificial Intelligence-Based Learning Media in Traditional Dance Learning in Vocational High Schools. The problem currently found is the unavailability of Artificial Intelligence-based learning media for traditional dance learning in Vocational High Schools. The purpose of this study is: development of Artificial Intelligence-based learning media and to determine the validation, practicality and effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence-based learning media for traditional dance learning in Vocational High Schools. The research method used is the development method (R&D) 4 D model by Thiagarajan with stages of define, design development and dissemination. The collection technique is carried out with validation and reliability tests, practicality and effectiveness tests. Data analysis using validity data analysis and effectiveness test data analysis. This study produces Artificial Intelligence-based learning media in the form of Image Processing (Digital Image Processing) applications with the link: https://gerakantari.karimhasibuan.com on the Tatak Garo-garo dance material from the Pak-pak ethnic group. The results of the assessment from the media expert validator consisting of four main aspects of the assessment, namely: (1) Design/Layout 90% very very valid category; (2) Typography Text 95% very valid category; (3) Images, 82% valid category; (4) Media Quality 82% valid category, with an average of 87.25% valid category. The assessment results from the expert validator of the material consisting of four main aspects of the assessment, namely: (1) Learning Material Quality 95% very valid category; (2) Learning Delivery System 95% very valid category; (3) Learning Strategy Quality 85% valid category; (4) Learning Material Language Quality 100% very valid category.; (5) Display Quality 100% very valid category, with an average achievement of 95% very valid category. The assessment results from students consisting of four main aspects of the assessment, namely: (1) Design and layout 94.44% very practical category; (2) Typography text 94.28% very practical category; (3) Images 92.85% very practical category; (4) Media Quality 88.57% practical category, with an average achievement value of 92.53% with a very practical category. The results of the NGain value in the effectiveness test obtained a value of 0.85 with a percentage of g > 0.7 with a high category. Based on the N-Gain value obtained, it is known that the development of learning media based on Artificial Intelligence that has been revised by media experts is Very Effective.
KEYWORDS :Development, Learning Media, Artificial Intelligent, Traditional Dance