ABSTRACT: Local culture in learning canimprovestudents’ scientificliteracy and criticalthinkingskills. Thepurpose of thisresearchis to develop a local culture-basedchemistrylearningsyntaxthatcan train students’scientificliteracy and criticalthinkingskills. This researchwasconductedusingresearch and developmentmethods.The development model in thisstudyincludes five procedures, namelypreliminaryresearch, productdevelopment,expert validation, testing, and implementation. The final productis an ethno-STEM-basedlearningsyntax,namely, HENIE.The results of the development of the HENIE syntax show that (1) the validation of the syntaxproduct is in the Good and Very Good categories. The validator also gave a positive response to this research,(2) the percentage of lesson plan assessment of 90.90% was in the Good category, (3) the percentage of learningimplementation assessment of 95.80% was in the very good category, (4) student literacy ability assessment isin the good category, and (5) the percentage of students’ critical thinking skills reaching 85.83% is in the Goodcategory.
Keywords –syntax, ethno-STEM, science literacy skills, critical thinking skills