Differentiated Success: How English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Libya Can Master a Body of Information (A Case Study) – AJHSSR

Differentiated Success: How English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Libya Can Master a Body of Information (A Case Study)

Differentiated Success: How English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Libya Can Master a Body of Information (A Case Study)

ABSTRACT: Differentiated instruction strategy is a teaching method ignited from the pedagogical transformation transported by scholars who laid learner differences as salient (Kamarulzaman et al., 2017). Giving the importance of teaching and learning of English and student achievement in the field of second language acquisition, the researchers initiated the differentiated instruction strategies to be implemented in their classrooms at Omar Al-Mukhtar University in Libya. Careful determination of the strategies, creating an interesting environment and awareness of students needs hold a great importance and can be shaped by teachers‟ experiences. In this study, the researchers conducted a qualitative study based on observations, investigating the effectiveness of the differentiated instruction strategies in the teaching of English language subjects (speaking, listening, writing skills). The data was collected by the researchers through their observations during lectures inside their own classes. Differentiated instruction strategies is considered to be beneficial for the students and were employed by the researchers. The findings show the benefits of implementing the pedagogical teaching method.
KEY WORDS: Libyan Students, Differentiated Instruction Strategies, English Language Teaching, Foreign
Language Learners