Digital communication: Students and practiciens ’attitudes and perceptions about MOOC in the Moroccan university – AJHSSR

Digital communication: Students and practiciens ’attitudes and perceptions about MOOC in the Moroccan university

Digital communication: Students and practiciens ’attitudes and perceptions about MOOC in the Moroccan university

ABSTRACT: There is no doubt that MOOCs constitute a massive phenomenon that has become depressing due to the skepticism of the traditional stream of distance learning and the reluctance of teachers, practitioners and university pedagogues [1]. But can we say that the concrete object MOOC is a scientific object in the sense of [2], or is it still only an empirical construct covering such diverse realities that they cannot be treated as only esearch object? Bearing this in mind, our article sets out to draw up a state of the art of the MOOC horizon and to present a diagnosis of what exists in Moroccan universities based on an empirical frame work and eclectic ethodology.
KEYWORDS: MOOC, Scientific object, state of art of MOOC.