Digital Leadership during the Pandemic Covid-19 (Study at the Musrenbang in the City of Bandar Lampung) – AJHSSR

Digital Leadership during the Pandemic Covid-19 (Study at the Musrenbang in the City of Bandar Lampung)

Digital Leadership during the Pandemic Covid-19 (Study at the Musrenbang in the City of Bandar Lampung)

ABSTRACT : Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has wreaked havoc in modern life, the impact of whichrequires the life sector to interact online. Efforts to improve government governance are carried out looking forparadigms that can be practiced in the field and cannot be separated from the development of the currentparadigm of administration and governance towards the New Public Management paradigm, which is shown inefforts to create effectiveness, efficiency and results-oriented governance, as well as New Public Service(Governance) actor involvement. others such as civil society, the business world, and the mass media. DigitalLeadership in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Study at the Bandar Lampung City Musrenbang)”.Problem formulation: 1) How to apply digital leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic (study on the BandarLampung City Musrenbang) and 2) What are the supporting factors and factors that weaken digital leadershipduring the COVID-19 pandemic (study on the Bandar Lampung City Musrenbang) ). The process of collectingdata was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation techniques. Based on the Decree of the Headof Bappeda City of Bandar Lampung Number: 800/946/IV.01/2022 concerning the Formation of Teams forDevelopment and Utilization of Data and Information on Development Planning of Regional Apparatus WorkUnits in 2022. The government must provide wider space for the community to express aspirations and criticizesector areas which has been limited to the government’s exclusive domain. The government must adapt to thetimes by carrying out digital transformations that are starting to be implemented in completing the tasks they aredoing.

Keywords: City Musrenbang, Government, Community, Regional Development.