ABSTRACT : The study examines the impact of school dropout on the employability and social integration ofyoung people in Abidjan. By focusing on the social disqualifications linked to school dropout, the researchanalyzes how the lack of formal education affects the life prospects and economic opportunities of youngpeople. The methodology targeted the communes of Yopougon, Abobo, Koumassi, Cocody, Port-Bouët, andPlateau, with a sample of 80 participants selected through purposive non-probability sampling. Data collectiontechniques combined documentary research, structured questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews, allowingfor the gathering of both quantitative and qualitative data. The results highlight socio-economic, familial,personal, institutional, and community factors of school dropout : difficult living conditions, economicinstability, family conflicts, lack of parental support, domestic responsibilities, health issues, quality ofeducation, inadequate school infrastructure, and insufficient educational policies. Dropout youth exhibit skilldeficits that limit their access to employment and confine them to informal and precarious jobs. There is a directcorrelation between school dropout and high unemployment rates. Psychosocial impacts include low selfesteem, social isolation, stigmatization, marginalization, and an increased risk of deviance (gangs, delinquency,prostitution, urban violence, radicalization, cybercrime). Thus, there is a need to prevent school dropout fromthe primary cycle and offer reintegration opportunities through vocational training and entrepreneurship. Theimplementation of targeted educational and socio-economic policies could significantly improve the lifeprospects of school dropouts.