ABSTRACT: This research aims to identify the dominant factors of independent learning that contribute to thesuccess of student learning of Primary Teacher Training Distance Learning program and to determine thedifferences of the success between female and male students. This study was designed based on a quantitativeapproach. The research subject was the Primary Teacher Training students in Distance Learning program aselementary school teachers. This research used test to measure student learning outcomes and rubric scale ofindependent learning. The analysis used the Chi Square and ANCOVA technique to check the mean rank andthe role of independent learning as a moderator variable of student learning outcome based on gender. Theresults show that the two dominant factors are prior knowledge provision factor (mean rank = 3.41) and activelearning factor (mean rank = 2.74); Other results show that there is a difference of the learning success betweenfemale and male students, which is moderated by independent learning. This conclusion is based on the averagescores of male (62.4), which is lower than the female’s (78.2). The significance of this conclusion was supportedby ANCOVA test results on gender variant, where the calculated F value is 15.77 with significance of 0,000.The 0.000 value is smaller than α = 0.050. This means that there is a significant difference between female andmale students students’ learning achievement, which is moderated by independent learning.
Keywords -Independent learning, Learning outcomes