E-portfolio as a Higher Training Professional Tool: a Comparative-Descriptive Study – AJHSSR

E-portfolio as a Higher Training Professional Tool: a Comparative-Descriptive Study

E-portfolio as a Higher Training Professional Tool: a Comparative-Descriptive Study

ABSTRACT: Portfolio had become a popular word by the early 1990 in educational context. Since that time,many definitions and various assessments have emerged (Kelonovskh, 2010). E-portfolio has turn out to be apopular pedagogical device on the higher academic landscape, often called a “high effect practice” that has thecapacity to generate transformative knowledge. After reflecting on the academic developments andundergraduate teaching practices with E-portfolio, we recognized regions of resonance with, and misalignmentbetween, research literature and the problems of implementation. In this study, teachers’ experiences with Eportfolios are investigated, and a comparative analysis of these narratives along E-portfolio is presented. In thisarticle, we provide a comprehensive literature review, an outline of the experiences, and a discussion about theinconsistencies springing up from the comparisons. The article finishes by proposing some tips for applicationand recommendations for further research.

Key terms: E-portfolio, language classes, teacher education, professional practice, ultimate success.