ABSTRACT :Teluk Buo is administratively included in the Central Kabung Bay area, Padang City, ProvinceWest Sumatra. Teluk Buo has various natural and socio-cultural resource potentials. Wrong one of them is theexistence of mangrove areas, mangroves are an ecosystem multifunctional in the Coastal area. However, thiscondition is not supported by awareness community to preserve mangrove forests as ecotourism areas. This isdue to lack of public understanding of the function of the existence of the mangrove ecosystem, yet Optimizingefforts to maintain mangrove areas from the community is a major problem in the Gulf Ma’am, then the issue ofclimate change is the reduction in land area of 1-2 meters per year due to vulnerability in coastal ecosystems,apart from that, gender inequality is also still a problem in Teluk Buo coastal environment, women’s groupshave not been involved in the management stage mangroves, and the problem of poverty because the majorityof Teluk Buo residents are fishermen. This research aims to describe the Teluk Buo Tourism VillageDevelopment program built by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal TelukKabung in the economicand field sectors environment to improve the economic level of society and improve coastal life. Method Theresearch used is descriptive-qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations,and documentation. The results of this study show that activity and innovation in the Teluk Buo TourismVillage Development program carried out by PokdarwisTeluk Buo has had an economic impact on the TelukBuo community. On the other hand, this program making changes to the system for meeting needs, increasingorganizational capabilities, encouraging social cohesion, and creating new things in managing mangrovetourism. The goal is to become a sustainable development program oriented towards environmentalpreservation and improve the welfare of society. It is hoped that this program can empower the community toget out of problems and maximize their potential, as well as program implementation It is not only felt by thepeople of TelukKabung Tengah but also outside the city of Padang.
KEYWORDS: Economy; Tourism Village; Tourism Awareness Group; Poverty; Mangroves Learning Center