Effect of Local Taxes, Regional Levies and General Allocation Funds (DAU) on the Economic Growth of Local Governments in Bali Province – AJHSSR

Effect of Local Taxes, Regional Levies and General Allocation Funds (DAU) on the Economic Growth of Local Governments in Bali Province

Effect of Local Taxes, Regional Levies and General Allocation Funds (DAU) on the Economic Growth of Local Governments in Bali Province

ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of local taxes, regional levies and general allocation funds on the economic growth of local governments in Bali Province. This research was conducted in eight districts and one city in the province of Bali. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are (1) local taxes have no effect on economic growth (2) regional levies have a positive effect on economic growth (3) general allocation funds do not affect economic growth.
KEYWORDS: local taxes, regional levies, general allocation, economic growth