English – Majored Juniors’ attitudes towards learning the academic writing course – AJHSSR

English – Majored Juniors’ attitudes towards learning the academic writing course

English – Majored Juniors’ attitudes towards learning the academic writing course

ABSTRACT : The study aims to investigate attitudes ofJuniors ofEnglish as a foreign language (EFL) towards learning the academic writing course at TraVinh University (TVU) and to help these learners recognize what benefits they have got and difficulties they have encountered during the course. The writer uses a quantitative approach with aquestionnaire to collect data from80third-year English majors, whotook part in the academic course at TVU. The findings indicate that all students have positive attitudes about this course and concede the benefits of the academic writing course. One of the most crucial results from this study’s data was that academic writing skills were needed for students’ graduation thesis. Apart from that, the studentsencountered challenges throughout the learning process. Particularly, due to the impact of their native tongue on language learning, grammar is regarded as the most prominent difficulty. The study lastly suggests a range of implications for students to enhance their academic writing skills.

KEYWORDS: academic writing, attitudes, difficulties, EFL Juniors