Environmental Pollution Caused By Oil And Gas Activities In Nigeria: The Inability Of The Legal And Institutional Framework To Curb The Menace. – AJHSSR

Environmental Pollution Caused By Oil And Gas Activities In Nigeria: The Inability Of The Legal And Institutional Framework To Curb The Menace.

Environmental Pollution Caused By Oil And Gas Activities In Nigeria: The Inability Of The Legal And Institutional Framework To Curb The Menace.

ABSTRACT: Since the search for oil and gas in 1908 and the subsequent discovery in commercial quantity in 1956, in Nigeria, the country has passed through series of negative environmental problems as a result of the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas. Since that time till date, countless number of oil spills, gas flaring and effluent discharge have occurred, resulting in immeasurable pollution anddegredation of the environment. The country has since then been suffering the negative environmental consequences of the blessing in disquish which is the oil development. Thus, when there is, for instance, oil spills on water, it spreads immediately thereby affecting the flora and fauna. Also, the gaseous and liquid components evaporate, some got dissolved in water and even oxidize, and yet some undergo bacterial changes and eventually sink to the bottom by gravitational action. The soil is then contaminated with a gross effect upon terrestrial life. Several oil pollution prevention / control laws, policy, guidelines as well as instructions are put in place by the government to curb or possibly control this menace of oil and gas pollution incidents in the country. These efforts have resulted in the development of strong legal and institutional framework in the country for that purpose. Unfortunately and regrettably, these efforts have not achieved the desired goal or result, which explains the continuous oil pollution in Nigeria till date. This article explored the meaning and consequences of oil and gas pollution. Also, critical analysis of oil and gas pollution laws and institutions was undertaken so as to expose the inadequacies inherent in them and distill the consequences that flows from it. At the end, formidable recommendations were made as a way forward to curb the menace