Ethnographic Communication of Paddy Field Post-Harvesting Celebration by Sahu Jio Tala’i Padusua Tribe – AJHSSR

Ethnographic Communication of Paddy Field Post-Harvesting Celebration by Sahu Jio Tala’i Padusua Tribe

Ethnographic Communication of Paddy Field Post-Harvesting Celebration by Sahu Jio Tala’i Padusua Tribe

ABSTRACT: This study describes the communication event carried out by SahuJioTala’iPadusua farmers in West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province, Indonesia in a ritual of celebrating the celebration of harvesting paddy fields that is eating traditionally or in the language of Sahu Tribe called oromsasadu. The research paradigm used is constructivism with a qualitative approach. Participatory observation, interviews and documentation are data collection techniques at the time of the oromsasaduritual. The informants of this study came from cultural participants namely the Sahu paddy fields farmers in Worat-Worat Village and Cempaka Village, West Halmahera Regency, village heads, traditional leaders, women leaders, Sahu community leaders, religious leaders and youth leaders in both villages, bureaucrats and West Halmahera legislature. Data were analyzed by reducing, presenting and drawing conclusions or verification by the ethnographic method of communication. The results showed that the communication event on the orom sasadu is usually done in a traditional house for two days with the participation of Worat-Worat Village residents and invitees. The communication event is begun with the installation of custom house attributes, traditional eating in which there was a traditional message (bobita), prayer and discussion of the traditional leders (kokonufu). Speech acts in oromsasadu namely hospitality, full of togetherness, kinship and ceremonial event.
KEYWORDS: Communication events, jio talai padusua, local wisdom, orom sasadu,west halmahera