ABSTRACT: Controlling is the most important element of ndividual development in a company, becauseControlling is the driving force for subordinates or employees to act accordingly to applicable regulations. Workdiscipline is known to be the key to success that often gets violated, consciously or unconsciously. The researchobjective was to determine the effect of Controlling and job satisfaction on the work discipline of employees atthe LancangKuning University Pekanbaru. Based on the results of the discussion of SPSS (Statistical Productand Service Solution) Software version 17, it indicated the success of employee working in accordance withcompany procedures, an average of 3.8 was obtained, the determination of work standards obtained an averageof 4.1, the accuracy in Controlling was obtained on average of 4.1 and the average of job measurement was 4.0.Meanwhile, the results of multiple linear regression based on SPSS processed data obtained a job satisfactioncoefficient of 0.145, meaning that if job satisfaction is increased by 1 unit while Controlling is constant(constant), then work discipline will increase or by 0.145 units.
Keywords: Controlling, work discipline, employees, linear regression