Evaluation of Student Affairs and Services of PRMSU during Pandemic – AJHSSR

Evaluation of Student Affairs and Services of PRMSU during Pandemic

Evaluation of Student Affairs and Services of PRMSU during Pandemic

ABSTRACT: The covid-19 pandemic disrupted the learning environment globally, face to face classes were suspended to ensure the safety of the students, despite the suspension of face-to -face classes, the Commission on Higher Educational Institution made sure that all schools will continue to serve the students through the Student Affairs and Services Programs. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the programs of the student services. Specifically, the study examined the student affairs and services that the students are familiar with, further, it also investigated the services that the students liked the most as well as the services that were not helpful to them during the pandemic. The researchers used descriptive statistics to determine the frequency and percentage of participant responses on how they would evaluate the various student affairs and services programs and the study utilized the student development theory. The study revealed that the orientation and information services as well as the guidance services were very helpful to the students during the pandemic.

Keywords: Covid-19, Pandemic, Student Affairs, Services, Guidance Services