Examination of the incidence of heart disease in the US. A multivariate logistic regression approach. – AJHSSR

Examination of the incidence of heart disease in the US. A multivariate logistic regression approach.

Examination of the incidence of heart disease in the US. A multivariate logistic regression approach.

ABSTRACT:Heart disease is a condition that affects the human heart and blood vessels. Heart disease affects about half of American adults, and it also played a role in the high death rate in the rest of the world. The data extracted from National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) span from December 2019 to December 2021. The only goal of this study is to look at the risk factors that affect the incidence of heart disease. After that, it will estimate a Youden index to find the best cut-off point and measure how well the multivariate logistic regression model’s diagnostic test performed, adding to the body of knowledge. The application of logistic regression yielded the finding that socioeconomic and health risk variables strongly influence the incidence of heart disease. According to the Youden index, the ideal cutoff value is around 52%. Consequently, it is crucial for American adults to monitor their lifestyle, have their BMI, blood pressure, diabetes, and other risk factors for heart disease diagnosed, and then make sure they are receiving adequate treatment to prevent the tendency to develop heart disease, which in turn will lower the death rate brought on by heart disease.

KEYWORDS: Heart disease, Multivariate logistic regression, Youden index, Health risk factors, socioeconomic factors.