Exploring the challenges facing pharmacy education, an experience of Southern Tanzania – AJHSSR

Exploring the challenges facing pharmacy education, an experience of Southern Tanzania

Exploring the challenges facing pharmacy education, an experience of Southern Tanzania

Abstract; Aim; the aim of this study was to explore the challenges facing pharmacy education in Tanzanianpharmacy schools located in southern region of the country.Methods; this was a qualitative study using questionnaires , and it was conducted at Top One College of Healthand Allied Sciences, in southern part of Tanzania, 67 participants were involved in this study, they werestudents studying pharmacy technician course, data was analyzed using thematic analysis method.Results; indicated that pharmacy schools in Southern Tanzania faced challenges that mostly were institutionalrelated challenges, which are few teachers, few teaching hospitals, lack of books in the library, poor internetconnectivity, and curriculum related problems, though there challenges that were directly related to students likefinancial problems, computer illiteracy, poor knowledge of English language, poverty, and lack of employmentafter studies.Conclusion; institutional related challenges are still a big concern in pharmacy education in schools found inSouthern Tanzania. It has been realized that the only way to produce pharmacists who can properly contribute tothe health care delivery is to move to the tertiary education sector, that is the doctor of pharmacy program.

Key words; challenges, explore, experience, pharmacy education