Ezra Pound: Anti-Semitism, Cantos and Confucianism – AJHSSR

Ezra Pound: Anti-Semitism, Cantos and Confucianism

Ezra Pound: Anti-Semitism, Cantos and Confucianism

ABSTRACT This paper examines particular facets of American poet Ezra Pound’s writings. Many have come to recognize the real Pound, even though some scholars still find him to be controversial. Enjoying his work necessitates a close reading of not just his poems and essays but also the reasons behind his political stance, canto writing style, conversion of Confucianism to philosophy, and frequent use of the Chinese ideogram in his writing. Because of his efforts to pinpoint the start of the Modernist Age of writing, which permanently altered the way poets present their work, Ezra Pound is a significant figure in literary studies. In addition, he deserves more respect because of his assistance and support for other artists, including Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, and James Joyce among others. In addition to these noteworthy details, his poetry is a masterful example of canto-style Imagist writing that transports the reader through a historical account, stunning imagery, and a philosophical analysis of the world. To help in understanding Pound and his accomplishments, these issues are addressed here.

Keywords: Ezra Pound; canto; Confucianism; Chinese ideogram.