Facebook Victimization in Bangladesh: A Contextual Study – AJHSSR

Facebook Victimization in Bangladesh: A Contextual Study

Facebook Victimization in Bangladesh: A Contextual Study

ABSTRACT: Every technological innovation has been a topic of debate and center of researchers‘ attention. The rise of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter have completely changed the way teens communicate with each other and the world around them. Revolutions in their own right, these sites have powered the modern-day digital media blitz that has capitalized on one of the things adolescents do best socialization.The rise of the social network allows all of us instant access to a plethora of information which can greatly benefit our lives but can simultaneously become a gateway to online victimization. According to the National CrimePrevention Council over a million teenage girls are victimized psychologically, physically, or both as a result of online socializing. By giving up privacy for the online world of instant gratification, teens are unknowingly helping create an online culture that breeds victimization and serves to ignite assaults that were traditionally found off-line. The harassers are not always complete strangers, but may also be friends or acquaintances from off-line social interactions. By conducting the research on victimization of Facebbok in Bangladesh have helped us to know its overall scenario whether they use Facebook as positive way or in a negative way. The principle objective of the study is to explore the nature and types of victimization in Facebook and to identify the present trends of victimization among the different aged people of Bangladesh.
KEYWORDS: Background history of Facebook, benefits of facebook, review of related literature, social media, victimization in facebook.