ABSTRACT: E-procurement has been widely used by many companies including the manufacturing, banking,construction and government / public sector industries. The expected benefits from using e-procurement aremore fast, precise, accurate and transparent.In fact, there are still some barriers to technology, organization,human resources, governance, and cost. This study analyzes the factors that influence the effectiveness of eprocurement implementation in the BI Jakarta office, and recommends strategies to increase the effectiveness ofe-procurement implementation.The statistical analysis used to prove the existence of factors that affect theeffectiveness of e-procurement is the Cross Tabulation Analysis (Cross Tab) and correlation analysis. Theresults of this study prove that there are factors that are interconnected and have an influence on theeffectiveness of e-procurement in the BI Jakarta office, where the implementation management factor andchanges in organizational characteristics greatly influence the effectiveness of e-procurement based on theresults of the correlation measurement analysis. Due to the absence of a limitation stipulation in determining thelevel of effectiveness at the BI Jakarta Office, it is hoped that the institution can complete the effectivenessmeasure and improve the factors that have a correlation with the effectiveness of e-procrement, namely theability of equipment and the ability of operators to be more effective. Further research can be carried out tomeasure the maturity level of e-procurement implementation.
Keywords: E-procurement, influential factors, effectiveness