Factors Influencing Sri Hartono’s Capability as a Kendang Master of Mangkunegaran-Style Dance – AJHSSR

Factors Influencing Sri Hartono’s Capability as a Kendang Master of Mangkunegaran-Style Dance

Factors Influencing Sri Hartono’s Capability as a Kendang Master of Mangkunegaran-Style Dance

ABSTRACT : This study aimed to revealed the factors influencing Sri Hartono’s capability as a kendang(Javanese percussion) master that accompanies dances. The research method was carried out throughobservation, interview, and literature study. The observation focused on the achieving the quality of Hartonothrough factors and various stages. In-depth interviews were conducted to reinforce the data obtained throughthe observation. The results showed that the concepts factors and stages that were passed caused Hartono as amaster kendang in Mangkunegaran. The Concepts used Sengguh, Lungguh, Mungguh. The stages are isanjogèd,ngertijogèd, and titènjogèd. This research can contribute to the development of artistic knowledge, especiallyJavanese music.

KEYWORDS ::Sri Hartono, Factors Influencing Capability, Kendang Master, Mangkunegaran.