ABSTRACT :This study aimed to determine the level of faculty readiness and identify the challengesencountered in the implementation of distance learning education during the COVID 19 pandemic.Theresearchers utilized the descriptive research design with a questionnaire as the main instrument in gatheringdatafrom the one hundred sixty (160) faculty who were conveniently selected. The study was also limited todetermine the level of faculty readiness towards the availability of technological gadgets; technical aspects inthe use of computers or software for online learning; competence in the development of instructional materials;emotional readiness; and commitment readiness. The researchers expect that upon completion of this study, thefindings will be beneficial to the faculty, students, and the university as a whole.It will also determine the levelof readiness and resilience of faculty towards the COVID 19 pandemic and educational changes. Further, it willprovide insights and measures to keep abreast of the impact of using the new educational platform.The studentsshall continue their studies and be afforded to provide quality education without compromising their health andsafety by studying at home.Moreover, the university can address the challenges encountered by the faculty andthe administration can further provide measures on how to find an immediate solution to the pressing problemsencountered by the faculty.
KEYWORDS:Faculty Readiness, Distance Learning, COVID 19 Pandemic, Higher Learning