Historically, Scholars explain that in the eighteenth century two prevalent points of view regarding theeducation of women were set. The first was women should not be educated formally beyond the mostrudimentary fundamentals, and a more liberal perspective that their education should be designed to foster theornamental and gentle aspects of their character and disposition ( Straub and Rush, 1967: 147-157). The secondview was that, counting a woman as a domestic character in education issues is a prejudice of little minds(Straub and Rush, 1967: 147-157). Arguments prevail; will be necessary to connect all branches of education,with exemption of metaphysics, logic, and mathematics. By comparisons about lessons taught to females inadult education, in Korea the peculiar subject of this era to adult education for females was child spacingpractices (Rindfuss, Bumpass, Palmore and Han,1982:87-104). During the period of 1960 China wasundergoing overpopulation thus the programme for the adult education to women was child spacing in order toreduce population which was increasing abruptly.