Female Artists of Pakistan, and Impact of their work on Global Art Scene – AJHSSR

Female Artists of Pakistan, and Impact of their work on Global Art Scene

Female Artists of Pakistan, and Impact of their work on Global Art Scene

ABSTRACT : Art is a universal tool of communication and a medium of expression. The artists usuallyexpress their feelings and emotions through their art works. It is not only a mean of conversion of one‟senergies positively but also contributes in terms of educating the society. The artists are non-traditional storytellers, generally seek inspiration from their surroundings. So, the socio-political factors leave an everlastingimpact in nurturing and upbringing of the artists. Female artists of Pakistan are the great contributors in termsof creating soft image of Pakistan nationally and internationally. These artists are multi-tasking individuals, inspite of household and family obligations they put in enormous efforts to play influential role in practicalfields. This research is an endeavor of representing the efforts of some Pakistani female artists through visualarts. Some of the most prominent artists are being discussed along with their art works. The art works of theseartists are the epitome of their contribution in the field of Art. They further comment on the society in a politemanner furthermore fulfill the aesthetic needs. Related information has been gathered through many sourceslike books, consulting and gathering data from the living artists and conducting interviews whereas Turabianmethod for referencing has been adopted for this paper. These artists are the representative of the global societyand the biggest challenge for them is to sustain with their cultural identity.

KEY WORDS: Art, Globalization, Female Artists, Soft image, Visual Art, Cultural Identity.