Firm Performance Based on Acquisition, Merger, and Debt Policy on SOE in Indonesia – AJHSSR

Firm Performance Based on Acquisition, Merger, and Debt Policy on SOE in Indonesia

Firm Performance Based on Acquisition, Merger, and Debt Policy on SOE in Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the effect of acquisitions, mergers, and debt policies on company performance in BUMN companies listed on BPS for the 2016-2020 period. The data collection technique used was purposive sampling, where the sample obtained was 317 that met the criteria. The data analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive statistics, classical assumption tests, multiple regression analysis tests and hypothesistesting. Based on the research conducted, the research results show that acquisitions and mergers havea significant effect on company performance, as well as debt policy which has a significant effect on company performance.

KEYWORDS: Acquisition, Merger, Debt, Firm Performance