Forms of Resistance of Artist Groups to Maintain the Identity of Yogyakarta City through the “Jogja Ora Didol” Movement – AJHSSR

Forms of Resistance of Artist Groups to Maintain the Identity of Yogyakarta City through the “Jogja Ora Didol” Movement

Forms of Resistance of Artist Groups to Maintain the Identity of Yogyakarta City through the “Jogja Ora Didol” Movement

ABSTRACT: Yogyakarta is a province with the one of the most tourists in Indonesia. The city issignificant not only because it is situated in a strategic area of Indonesia, but also because of itscultural values. The way of life of Yogyakarta people is firmly rooted in the honorable principles ofJavanese morality. However, in reality, Yogyakarta has been currently not in accordance with what itwas originally intended to be, thus leading groups to resist harmful matters, including development.This study focuses on artists who resist with the spirit of Jogja Ora Didol against government policiesand the people of Yogyakarta itself. This research used a qualitative approach with an attempt toidentify as well as analyze the content of resistance and to encourage action. The methods used wereinterviews and observations. The findings of this study are the causes of the emergence of Jogja OraDidol and how the forms of the resistance groups are in opposing. This demonstrates how groups ofartists that embody the Jogja Ora Didol spirit can hegemonize other communities to uphold theidentity of Yogyakarta.

Keywords Resistance, Jogja Ora Didol, Identity