ABSTRACT: The formulation of Islamic law is based on a universal-humanity foundation, covering worldlyand hereafter interests, aiming to make people happy protect them from evil and destruction, and Islam issuitable in various conditions, times and places. There is a greater difficulty if the development of Islamic lawdoes not want to go through the path of the goals of Islamic law, or at least the general principles of Islamic law.Therefore, in the development of Islamic legal thought, thinkers are relatively quick to agree on ‗mashlahah‘ as‗maqashid sharia‘ or what is more popularly known as the goal of Islamic law. More than that, maslahah in itsdevelopment is not only a legal goal but also becomes a proposition in the formulation of Islamic law itself. Theimportance of research based on Islamic legal philosophy through the maqashid sharia of electronic commerce(e-commerce), because it is a modern trading model, not discovered by researchers in classical fiqh, and evencontemporary fiqh before the 1990s, in Indonesia e-commerce began in the early 2000s. This qualitativeresearch paradigm and its type of normative legal research used secondary data traced and obtained fromlibraries and internet sites to find new arguments regarding the formulation and purpose of Islamic law on ecommerce.
KEYWORDS: Formulation, Contemporary Sharia Business Law, Maqashid Sharia, Electronic Commerce (ECommerce)