Formulation Policy Development of Heritage Tourism Objects in Old City Teluk Betung, South in Bandar Lampung – AJHSSR

Formulation Policy Development of Heritage Tourism Objects in Old City Teluk Betung, South in Bandar Lampung

Formulation Policy Development of Heritage Tourism Objects in Old City Teluk Betung, South in Bandar Lampung

ABSTRACT: The development of tourism areas in regions is solution in supporting regional economicgrowth. One of destinations that is object of development of the tourist area is heritage tourism object of TelukBetung Selatan Kota Tua, Bandar Lampung. This study identifies policy formulations in development ofheritage tourism objects in Teluk Betung Selatan City, Bandar Lampung City. local government of BandarLampung seeks to develop this destination through tourism decentralization. problem is focused on the TBS OldTown area which has not developed into a heritage tourist destination with many historical elements. Heritagetourism is the concept of historical heritage urban tourism as a tourist attraction. study reviews in depth thepolicy strategies pursued by the local government in developing the Teluk Betung Old City destination. processof data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and qualitatively analyzed. The resultsshowed local government of Bandar Lampung City formulated policies through the Mayor of Bandar LampungDecree Number: 529/ III.01/ HK/2018 regarding the Establishment of Team for Preparation of RegionalCultural Thoughts for the City of Bandar Lampung. Through policy basis, local governments develop thesetourist destinations with aim cultural preservation, economic improvement and regional development growth.

KATA KUNci -Development, Formulation, Public Policy, Heritage Tourism, government.