Gender, Vulnerability and the quest for self realization among women as portrayed in the Book of Ruth: A Kenya African Religious perspective – AJHSSR

Gender, Vulnerability and the quest for self realization among women as portrayed in the Book of Ruth: A Kenya African Religious perspective

Gender, Vulnerability and the quest for self realization among women as portrayed in the Book of Ruth: A Kenya African Religious perspective

ABSTRACT : The arguments presented in this paper are grounded on the experiences of Naomi and Ruth aspresented in the Book of Ruth. The question guiding this discussion is what lessons can Kenyan women learnfrom the experinces of Naomi and Ruth as reflected in the Bible. The paper is underpinned by SM Muriithi‟s(2008) assertion that Vulnerability can however be both a means and an end insofar as African women‟sreligious orientation is concerned. Among the issues discussed here include: vulnerability among Kenyanwomen, the vulnerability of Naomi and Ruth as reflected in the Book of Ruth, the relevance of Naomi-Ruthnarrative in tackling vulnerability among Kenyan women.

KEY WORDS : Vulnerability, resilience, pauperization, capability, divine intervention