ABSTRACT :The objective of this research was to find out about the grant cancellation according to theprovisions of Article 1688 of the Civil Code regarding the status of objects that have been given by adoptiveparents to their adopted children through a grant, whether it can be canceled automatically after a decision ofcancellation of adoption and legal consequences of the cancellation of the grant on material rights that have beengranted by the adoptive parents to their adopted children. This research used a normative research method with astatutory approach and this was a prescriptive research. The results of this research indicated that Article 1688of the Civil Code can be used as a basis for applying cancellation of grants by adoptive parents to adoptedchildren, but it does not rule out the possibility that grant cancellation can be submitted for other reasons. Afterthe decision to cancel the adoption of the child, a new legal action arose, which is the cancellation of the grantsubmitted by the adoptive parents against the adopted child.
KEYWORDS: Grant cancellation, Adoption of the Child, Material Rights